Difference between Flyers and Leaflets…and Booklets, Pamphlets, and Brochures

We often get confused about the difference between flyers, leaflets and handbills, booklets and pamphlets, and brochures. Though to any layman they might seem the same, but in printing and marketing terminology each term is different. Each one is unique and has a specific purpose. Let’s see in actual how different these print products are.

Flyers, Leaflets, and Handbills

These are all the same. Whatever you prefer to call them- Flyers, leaflets or handbills- are interchangeable terms that refer to a single printed sheet of paper containing some information. The usual size of a flyer is 8.5 inches by 11 inches. If you are in a hurry then flyers are far more affordable promotional items that can easily printed and dispatched overnight to reach your local target group or customers.

Flyers are generally used for    

  • Announcing events
  • Advertising new company, brand or an outlet.
  • Fact sheets handed out at trade shows or conferences.
  • As magazine or newspaper inserts and handouts.
  • As a sheet of information during any promotional campaign.
  • Local advertisements or newsprint materials.


Brochures are multi-page, unbound print materials that are made from a single sheet of paper which is then folded to create bi-folds or tri-folds as per requirement. In order to produce a professional quality output, designing a brochure requires more technical proficiency in terms of proofing and alignment and layout of the folds.

Getting a folded brochure done is relatively expensive and time-consuming. Hence, it is not as preferable for free distribution as are business cards and flyers. Brochures are rather meant for target groups during campaigns and promotional meets.

Brochures are popularly used as

  • Reference print materials for employees and customers alike.
  • To check out and compare other promotional products in order to close a sale.

Booklets and Pamphlets



Well, this can be a bit complicated to define. In simple terms, booklets are bound print materials that are always made from multiple sheets of paper. Whereas, pamphlets may or may not be bound. If unbound, pamphlets can come as either a single-sheet or multi-sheet or a multi-page print product.  Therefore, a pamphlet can also be a brochure or flyer, depending on its purpose or what you need it for.

But booklets are always bound using staples, wire-o, saddle-stitching or etc. making it a more durable promotional product with an enhanced turnaround time.  Being multi-page, booklets are also quite expensive to print.

Uses of booklets are

  • Rules book or manuals.
  • Catalogues for products and services.
  • Information materials about a company or business
  • Reference print materials.

Now that you are aware of the specifications and applications of a flyer, brochure and booklet, hope you are no more shrouded in confusion. So, next time whether you organise a campaign or advertise your brand or just to hand out a manual to your employees, choose your print product type wisely. And, certainly with inkmonk.com at your service getting them printed is just a click away.


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