Why should you Humanize your Brand?

Whether a startup or an established organisation, everybody yearns for recognition. As a business entity, they wish to create a niche for themselves. Building a popular brand name is like shaping a personality for your company that would withstand the tide of time. To achieve this, nowadays, brands are going that extra mile to promote and position their products and services. This includes appealing to clients and customers at a more personal and human level. Remember, consumers are the true masters of your business. They can build or destroy your brand anytime. Humanizing brand hence becomes essential in order to connect with them and to bank your brand’s success on trust marketing. To enlighten you more, here are five reasons why should humanize your brand.

Brand Humanization holds answers on how to move the business forward. Brand Humanization does this by emphasizing community and storytelling, which are powerful tools with which leaders can develop and nurture workplace culture. A company’s culture can ensure the success of its business objectives and its most valuable asset: Human Capital. AKA Human Beings, People. To humanize a brand, you first must ensure the corporate culture is robust enough to sustain the good will of employees, your brand ambassadors. People’s stories and personalities inform your corporate culture, so it pays to make sure your workplace culture supports your employees and aligns with your brand.

To connect with real people in real time

Employees are the backbone of a company. Bringing them to the forefront and acknowledging their effort will not only boost their morale and zeal but also, help your customers know them at a personal level. Moreover, form a connection that will go beyond doing just business but building long term relationships. An easy way to achieve this is by writing an awesome ‘About Us’ page on your company website or putting up a brief bio data highlighting personal likes and dislikes about your employees if possible with their photographs. This will give your clients a peek into the life of real humans who work for your company. These stories will tell people about your corporate culture and make your business far more compelling and interesting to investors, associates and consumers.

To engage with the world

Making people part of your team will help you to understand who your real customers are. Humans can empathize with your brand value and in turn, provide clients with what they want. Your employees can also analyse if customers like certain products, services or marketing techniques by trying it first on their friends and family circle. Moreover, your employees can even become brand ambassadors themselves and thus, help in expanding your customer base. If your company has taken the online route, humanizing your brand has the greater advantage too. When users share or like updates and post or comment on your company’s wall, it simply means they have something to say and are interested in interactions. Hence, it is very important to respond to their feeds or queries and keep them engaged. This is only possible when you hire a social media manager for your company to deal with all online space activities.

To create communities

Communication and marketing for your brand are not a one-way process. It requires the involvement of people across the business spectrum. Therefore, if you wish to see your company name climb up the ladder in the marketplace, you need to invest time and effort in creating communities either online, offline or both. Remember, such communities can literally make or break your business dreams. They are critical when it comes to brand promotion and survival. It is like housing your own set of supporters to vouch for your brand and praise it in front of potential clients and customers. The communities will stand for the objectives, power and value of your brand name. Hence, it will help to draw in and add more people to your brand fan club.

To serve customers better

Yes, humanizing your brand will indeed lead to a better customer service network. What computer generated emails or recorded calls can’t do a human can. For example, when a customer is unhappy with a product or service, your employee can help him or her deal with the problem. An employee who is a patient listener, who can hear someone inside out and come up with solutions, can easily win over a dissatisfied customer. This is equally effective with online users. A response saying, “I am so sorry for the inconvenience. Please send me an email at [email protected] with details to solve your issue” will garner appreciation from the particular customer and other users alike who come across the post.

To build trust

People trust people more than brands. Hence, humanizing your brand gets you in the path of building relationships with your clients, customers and even employees. For, only human beings can emotionally relate and react to someone. Let your workers and salespersons reach out to customers in person, make them aware of your company and convince them to buy your products or services. Promote your brand on ‘trust quotient’. Also, apologizing for your mistakes and revealing your business failures in public will make people believe in you. They will trust in your brand more. They will know for sure that as a company you work towards nothing but delivering sheer customer satisfaction.

Brand humanization has not just become a social media trend but a way to build a community, social interaction and trust with employees, investors and customers. It also ensures brand sustainability in the market. So, if you haven’t humanized your brand yet, start thinking about investing in the most valuable asset for your company, that is, the human capital.

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