How to Deliver a Fantastic Brand Experience to Your Customers?

Martin Zilling had rightly said, “Customers Remember Experiences, Not Your Brand Logo”. These days, customers are hailed as the masters of any trade. With their empowerment and hike in expectations, satisfying a customer has become the need of the hour. Many companies are spending lakhs and crores of money in providing an unforgettable customer experience. But if you give it a thought, there are numerous inexpensive ways to achieve that too. Below is a list of five fantastic ways on how to deliver a unique brand experience to your customers.

Have a customer experience vision

Always possess a customer-oriented vision for your company and form a set of guidelines to define it. Communicate these guidelines to your staff and ask them to follow it as part of fulfilling the overall vision of the organisation. Once these values are incorporated, it will drive their behaviour towards better development and customer delivery services. The easiest way is to ensure that customers are placed at the top of your priority list no matter what.

Know your customers well

In business, it’s very important to understand who your target audience is and what their demands are. For this, several factors are often taken into consideration like age group, demography, lifestyle etc. Only when you gain knowledge about real customers and their needs, can you empathize with them in delivering a satisfactory customer experience.

Connect emotionally

Remember our buying experiences are often based on a particular emotion. This is because emotions mould our attitudes which in turn, affect our decision making process. Hence, train your employees to form an emotional connection with the customers. The same applies for a brand too. A person becomes a loyal consumer of a brand when he feels emotionally attached to it. In simple terms, every time he uses that particular product or service, he is reminded of how it makes him feel. For example, the entire advertising industry thrives on this emotional appeal. Because it’s not what you say but how you say it that gets registered first in the mind of a potential buyer.

Humanize your brand and build relationships

Customers want to interact and deal with real people, not your company or brand. Hence, it is important to humanize your brand. Relationships are formed when there is engagement between two humans. Building bonds with clients, associates, buyers must be an intricate part of your business. Train your employees on how to deliver personalized experience to customers. Some tips to achieve this are

  •         First engage your staff and excite them about your brand, product or service. Teach them to be good listeners and salesmen. Moreover, teach them to build trust. A happy employee will surely make a customer happy with his services.
  •         Always address your clients with their names.
  •         Use a personal account to send customer-related emails.
  •         Keep in touch with your customers. Send greetings and follow up emails, calls even after you are done with business deals. Enquire about their experience once a particular issue is resolved.

Value customer and employee feedback

The best way to find out if you are delivering a fantastic brand experience is to ask your customers. You can conduct surveys, make phone calls, or send them personalised emails. Nowadays, with the surge in social media interactions, you can even analyse your company’s website viewership, number of likes, shares, comments and posts on your twitter and facebook page to know more about customer feedback. Besides, continuous assessment of your team work and considering employee feedback can play a bigger role in improving brand experience of customers. Ask your staff how they feel towards their job. Allow them to share ideas and take their opinions while making business decisions. Better employee experience will ultimately lead to better customer experience.

Delivering an incredible customer experience requires a lot of planning and hard work. It has far-fetched implications than just strengthening your bond with clients and enhancing customer satisfaction. Flawless brand experience will earn you loyal buyers. They will not only keep coming back for more but will refer your product or service to others as well. The advantages are- expanded customer base, increased brand market value and demand, gaining a competitive edge, and an eventual growth in sales and revenue. So, what are you waiting for? Start working towards bringing that million dollar smile on your customer’s face. Browse through some custom brand merchandises at

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