7 Incredible Steps to Leaflet Success

Leaflets are a great way to reach new customers or reconnect with old ones. Whether to introduce your brand, disseminate some news, announce some offer or just an advertisement of your company- there can be a leaflet for every occasion. Though a leaflet is nothing but a printed piece of paper containing certain information, preparing a one can be quite a task. The secret to a successful leaflet lies in putting all the ingredients in the correct proportion. Here have a look at it.


Depending on the theme and purpose of your leaflet, write a catchy headline. Keep it short, simple. Play with words but remember not to compromise with the clarity of your message. Flowery language may, at times, tint the crispiness of the headline. The important information may get lost in the process of writing. If in doubt, always refer to a newspaper for they are often the best source to learn how to write a superb headline. The message should be conveyed through a clear,


Design and layout form important aspects in preparing a leaflet or a pamphlet. The way the information given is arranged is what is going to make all the difference. Moreover, to garner the maximum attention of your readers, go by these simple tips-

  •         Position the headline at the top. Give it all the visibility it yearns for.
  •         Use a legible font style and size.
  •         Arrange the content in a systematic manner. Ensure it doesn’t look cluttered.
  •         Colours shouldn’t mar the impact of your leaflet. Choose colours based on the theme or purpose of the particular leaflet.


‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ A large, eye-catchy image that perfectly suits and complements the content is never a bad idea. It indeed helps to turn those heads and strike the right chord with your readers.


We understand that logo is an inevitable part when it comes to displaying your brand identity. But never commit the mistake of giving your logo the top-most priority while designing a leaflet. Keep your temptation at bay to put it at the top of the page rather place it at the bottom.

Discount or offer

Include some discount coupon or time bound offer with your leaflet. People love surprises. So, entice your customers and readers with attractive prices and deals in order to motivate them to respond and also to retain their loyalty towards your brand.


A leaflet usually covers a single side of a paper. But why not try something out of the box. For instance, you can use the backside to further explain your objectives or to expand on the offer with some nice words or funky taglines.  Otherwise, remember to keep the content simple and to-the-point.

Feedback Options

Don’t take your audience, readers and customers for granted. Don’t assume they know your intentions. Tell them what to do next. Whether they should make a phone call or place an order online- Specify the options clearly. Mention the contact details- telephone number, fax number, website, postal address etc. Ask for your precious feedback. Be open to their opinions and suggestions because that’s precisely how you can improve and grow as a brand in the marketplace.

Get set going! Turn over a new leaf with an attractive leaflet right away, right now. And, don’t worry with printing. We, at Inkmonk, are there to get it done for you at the best price available. You can choose affordable deals and offers from an array of vendors across the nation. Inkmonk, the first ever online printing platform promises not to let you down.

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