Startups Sway Business with Swags

Swags have its backers and haters. Even though you might have thought the swag that you were offered at a conference recently was not worth the money, startups still tend to turn to swags to get their marketing done. Even though it is difficult to measure the return on investment a company would get if they decided to go the swag way, it is possible to pull off a successful swag campaign by keeping just a few things in mind. Here are some tips to remember while framing your next swag promotion.

Keep it Simple

If you decide on distributing T-shirts or anything that is worn, then make sure to use a slogan that explains in simple terms why your company deserves to be taken seriously. And when you wear that T-shirt on a normal working day, you can expect quite a few eyeballs your way. Those few seconds are all you have to pitch your idea or explain to the common man what your company stands for. A plain shirt with just the logo hidden in one of the corners doesn’t get you as much traction as a simple call to action would.

Watch the Wallet

Deciding on when and where to distribute your swag is another important decision that you would have to take. Just throwing the swags all over the place would just leave a gaping wide hole in your pocket. Listen to your audience when you can accurately pinpoint where your customers are and how you can win them over. A few tens of well-placed swags can do a mountain of good to promote your brand. It gives your customers the feeling of having tended to personally.

Select Whom to Give                                     

Choosing where and how you would distribute the swag gives you the luxury of choosing to distribute swags to the right people. Even if you have a perfectly designed swag, if the person who is using or wearing it knows nothing about your product then chances are those who stumble upon your company is not likely to be your customer. As always, quality beats quantity.

Make it Fun and Useful

T-shirts are just one form of swags. Without establishing a connect with the end users your swag would never make it as a success. Where you are going to distribute your swag should be an important consideration for deciding what to give. Minimalistically designed water bottles and simple eye coolers could be a good swag during a marathon. Some other companies have gone a step further by providing sunscreen as swags during outdoor events. So again it is important to understand your environment and your target audience.

Consider you want to promote your product amongst a neighborhood reading club. You gift the group with simple pouches to carry their books in. And who knows how and where they would be carrying the pouches next which carry your brand name on it. Bookmarks are another way you could catch their attention.

Be Eager to Form Relationships

When you give customers a product that they can use to make their life better, then they develop an emotional connect with it that would prevent them from being disloyal to your company or brand. The general rule is, if you wouldn’t receive the swag and use it yourself then there is no point in making it in the first place. If you don’t wear a T-shirt that promotes your company then who would?

Now in today’s world, there are a host of companies in India who help preparing cute and powerful swags. Be it coffee mugs, posters, stationery, wrist-bands, you can get all these and a lot more customized to your specifications. This can be accomplished in no time from wherever you are! We, at Inkmonk is just there to facilitate your next big swag purchase. Being an online print vendor, we offer you the privilege of choosing from an array of suppliers to suit your requirements best. So what are you waiting for? Plan your next big swag campaign that would launch your startup.


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